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SR塑性填料施工图集来源:衡水明兴工程橡胶有限公司日期:作者:position called sealing seal; the water will be u叉头nder pressure

在大坝伸缩缝处理中,嵌缝密封材料标准首先对两种不同类型的密封材料进行了区分,并提出了不同的技术指标要求。将嵌填在接缝中并保持在嵌填位置发挥止水作用的称为嵌缝止水条;将在水压力作用下,由嵌填位置流入接缝发挥止水作用的称为SR柔性填料。面板坝表层止水采用的是后一种密封材料(SR柔性填料)。嵌缝密封材料标准给出了两种密封材料的技术指标(见下表格)。对于面板坝的SR柔性填料,以往国内比较看重拉伸强度、延伸率等指标。经过工程应用研究表明,耐水、耐碱盐、耐冻融循环、耐高低温性能、与混凝土粘结的可靠性、抗渗抗击穿性能、流动止水性能、施工嵌填性能是重要的技术指标。在满足这些指标时,拉伸强度和延伸率的要求可以放宽。 In the dam 郑垲秘书长介绍expansion joints, sealing sealing material standard first makes a distinction between two different types of sealing materials, and put forward the technical 磨边机requirements of the different. The filling in the seam and keep play sealing role in filling the position called sealing seal; the water will be under pressure, by filling the position into the joint play sealing effect called SR flexible filler. The last seal material (SR flexible packing) is used to stop the surface of the face dam. Caulking sealing material standard gives two kinds of sealing material technical indicators (see table). In the past, the tensile strength and elongation index of the SR flexible filler for the panel dam have been emphasized in the past. Engineering application shows that water resistance, alkali and salt resistance, freeze-thaw cycle, high and low temperature resistance, reliability of concrete bonding, anti-seepage and anti wear performance, flow sealing performance and construction performance are1般可以取得比较好的低VOC制品 important technical indicators. When these indicators are met, the requirements for tensile strength and elongation can b淄博的“双创综合体”首批引进的40多家企业几近都是已颇具经验的企业e relaxed. 性能特点: Performance characteristics: (1)物理性能在SR一2配方采用的纳米材料粒径小、表面积大、表面活性高,与橡胶浆基料溶合均匀后,相当于增加了橡胶浆基料的比例,降低了配方的颜基比,因此可以提高SR配方的抗渗性、延伸性、粘结性等。 (1) physical properties used in the SR 2 formula of nano materials with small particle size, large surface area, high surface activity, and the rubber base material slurry mix evenly, equivalent to an increase of the proportion of latex binder, reduce pigment formulation ratio, so it can improve the impermeability, extension and the adhesion of SR formula. (2)耐热性纳米颗粒间的间隙比普通填料颗粒间隙大为减小,因此纳米颗粒间对基料高分子的吸附力大大增强,在基料高分子间增加了大量的微观桥架结构,使基料的耐热稳定性提高,极大地改善了SR材料的热稳定性。 (2) the gap heat resistance of nano particles than ordinary filler particles clearance is reduced, so the nano particles on the adsorption capacity of polymer base material greatly enhanced in polymer base material is added between a large number of micro bridge structure, the thermal stability of base material improved, greatly improved the thermal stability of SR materials. (3)耐腐蚀 SR一2(以下简称SR)塑性嵌缝材料系填在周边缝顶部预留“倒△”形槽内,必须粘紧密实,并呈弧形向上隆起,以便能更好地适应面板变形,在其表面采用聚氯乙烯塑料带包盖密封(死水位以上采用钢片),要用角钢通过螺栓将其嵌固在砼上。SR塑性嵌缝材料施工前应先将其与砼结合部位用钢丝刷刷去砼表面的乳皮,然后用高压水枪冲洗干净,风干后再用。 (3) corrosion SR 2 (hereinafter referred to as SR特种变压器) the plastic sealing material filli焊割炬ng in the peripheral joint top reserved inverted triangular groove, you must stick with dense, and curved upward, in order to better adapt to the deformation of the panel, on the surface of the PVC plastic tape sealing cover (dead water level by using more steel), with the angle through the bolt embedded in concrete. SR plastic sealing material construction should be preceded with the concrete bi也需要使用能够耐高温的塑料nding site to use wire brush on the surface of concrete milk skin, and then rinse with water cannons, dry and then.
